The Lightning Thief

When it was announced that there was going to be puppetry in Illinois Wesleyan University’s 2022 production of The Lightning Thief, I pounced on the opportunity to be involved in the puppet building.

Director: Jean Kerr

Stage Manager: Mar Roever

Scenic Designer: Joel I. Reedy

Lighting Designer: Julie E. Ballard

Costume Designer: CJ Kelly & Sky Graham

Sound Designer: Stephanie Farina & Logan Jordan

The Vienna Boys’ Choir

Professor Curtis Trout designed the puppets and built their skeletons and attached the skin. I got to help by doing the fun part: making the faces! I had so much fun working on this project!

The puppets are made so that when held upside down, they are shrouded in black and blend in to the puppeteers’ costumes. When flipped right side up, the black flips away, revealing the puppet.

Photos by Nikkita Parsons.


Life's a Dream


Costume Crafts