Shine Like a F*cking Star

A Copywriting Campaign for Mother Moon Manis

Beware, profanity ahead! Please note that many of the images are mock-ups, as this campaign has not yet gone into effect.

Scroll to the bottom to see the thought process.

Instagram Campaign

You are a f*cking ✨star✨, and you don’t deserve to be judged for having chewed on and imperfect nails. Let’s break the motherf*cking stigma! Post a picture of your exquisitely imperfect nails with #shinelikeafknstar and tag mother.moon.manis to enter into a chance to win a discounted manicure! All entries will be posted on our story!


Subject Line Option 1: ✨Shine like a f*cking Star✨

Subject Line Option 2: Your galaxy of confidence is waiting to shine through

Preview text: Let your cosmic confidence out!


Judgment. It f*cking sucks.

Whose place is it to comment on chewed and picked-at nails? On the shape of your hands and fingers?


You don’t have to travel the galaxy to find judgment free, inclusive nail services. You only have to visit Edwardsburg, Michigan to see Mother Moon Manis.

Check us out here to book an appointment.


Break the motherf*cking stigma. Post your exquisitely imperfect nails with #shinelikeafknstar

“As someone who tends to bite and pick at my nails, I've often felt judged at other nail salons. However, they made me feel incredibly comfortable and confident throughout the entire appointment. Their welcoming demeanor and non-judgmental attitude instantly put me at ease. This level of understanding and professionalism is what sets Mother Moon Manis apart!” -Liz · 09.13.2023

Facebook Post

You’re a f*cking star, and you should feel like one.

It’s hard to feel like a star when you’re constantly being judged. Going to get your nails done should feel like going to a spa, hanging out with your best friend, and seeing a therapist all at once. Not like trying to find a place to sit in the middle school cafeteria.

So what, you pick at your nails? So what you “don’t look like the sort of person who should be getting their nails done?” You deserve a good manicure as much as everyone else does.

At Mother Moon Manis, everyone is welcome! You don’t have to travel the galaxy to find judgment free, inclusive nail services. It’s in Edwardsburg, Michigan.

Check out my website in my bio or on this link to see my portfolio and book an appointment!

Break the motherf*cking stigma. Post your exquisitely imperfect nails with #shinelikeafknstar


I began by following a looser version of the Storybrand framework proposed by Donald Miller. Along with that, I spoke with Ains, the owner, to see what sort of company they wanted to come across as. I also put their reviews into a word counter, to see what sort of words came up. I saw that people constantly mentioned feeling safe, unjudged, and included, but that wasn’t mentioned anywhere in Mother Moon Mani’s branding. Because of that, I decided to focus on that aspect in this campaign.


  • 20s/30s queer and neurodivergent people


  • Judgment from the world


  • Mother Moon Manis


  • An inclusive manicure experience with no judgment and boosts your self esteem

Call to Action

  • Go to insta to book an appointment


  • The client feels and looks amazing

  • Well cared for and satisfied with quality

Ains wants:

  • Radical

  • Rated R

  • Dearies

  • “My stars”

  • Kookie

  • Quirky

Reviews Mention:

  • Kind

  • Welcoming

  • Inclusive

  • Comfortable

  • Funky

  • Trendy

My initial idea was the theme “shine like a star,” to go with the space theme of the company. After further talking to the owner, I decided to jump head on into attention-grabbing controversy with “shine like a f*cking star.” Mother Moon Manis’ message is to not care about what other people think and love yourself, so they don’t want to censor themselves.


Feel Beautiful Inside and Out - Soapy Gnome